Our entire effort is driven by volunteers. Volunteers who have a passion for uplifting children of severely underprivileged families through education. Education does not only mean academic work but includes the whole gamut of growth on the child in every aspect of life. Emotional. Intellectual, Physical, Social, and so on.
Chandrayaan-3 has proven that great things are achievable with frugal means. It is our intention that matters. Are we willing to be engines instead of guard wagons in generating our own motivation to help? Are we here for personal name and fame? Or will we be the ones to drive the whole Mission, one small step at a time?
Alateen Foundation invites people of all ages to contribute their might in 100’s of ways to the Mission. But we are looking for people who won’t be mollycoddled and urged and pushed. We are interested in those who will take “ownership” of their efforts, be engines and deliver results they undertake to deliver.
There are a plethora of avenues to contribute. A few of them are listed here just to trigger your passion. You can offer your own way to assist in the Mission. Sign up first. Then engage. Discover how you can participate, lead and support. Read below:
Teach English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil or Telegu
These may or may not be in the “curriculum” of the school. Can be offered as optional courses. You must deliver the whole course for the concerned class standard. Children need to be tested and certificates issued.
More coming….. watch this space! Do you have a suggestion? Tell us via the contact form on the website!
Scout for severely underprivileged children that need support, including financial support.
Scout for Public/Government Schools that start at LKG/UKG – 4rd Standards for further engagement and support.
Scout for Teachers who can augment the school’s faculty in teaching the curriculum.
Scout for other committed volunteers!
Why not begin your Volunteering by engaging with us and giving us your suggestions? That YOU can Lead in this Mission?
Use the Contact form to start today!
Academic Review Panel: Volunteer to verify and certify scholarship candidates & recommend to the Board for financial assistance.
Volunteer to align Teaching Volunteers to the School’s activities and make the merge smoothly.
Communications: There’s plenty of back-end work to be done in communications. Phone Calls. Emails. Visits. Etc. Ideal for less mobile Volunteers.
Tech: Help manage the photos, videos, blogs, etc. that will go up on the website after editorial review.
Editors:Volunteers very familiar with online editorial work to review and upload submissions on to the appropriate pages of the website.