After decades of helping in de-addiction training & coaching of Alcoholics & Drug Addicts, JS was keen to help educate the poorest of the poor children in alcoholic & drug afflicted families. All of this JS does with his own funds, efforts, skills and talent. The key to this Mission are the far flung, selfless volunteers who scout, enrol and monitor the selected children.
Alateen, as the name goes signifies the children (teens) of families afflicted by alcoholism and addiction. Often these hapless & helpless children are left to the vagaries of the underworld as they are ‘abandoned’ in a sense by the Alcoholic or Addict.
The single parent left behind cope with unimaginable hardships, trials and tribulations. Such spouses are called “Co-Alcoholics” as they too are mentally & emotionally devastated by the disease of alcoholism, even though they themselves do not consume drugs or alcohol. That is why the disease if alcoholism is called a “Family Disease“.
All this results in the children in such families losing out to their fate. Result? Eternal and ever spiralling poverty & lives of crime.
These are not just children of the poorest of the poor economically, but are emotionally and intellectually stunted, often beyond repair. Yet they are some of the most intelligent ones around at the ‘baby’ ages of 1-8 yrs.
Born out of his experience with 1,000's of alcoholics, JS decided that the only way to raise these children out of this eternal spiral of poverty and degraded lives, is to catch them very young and provide them with education that could lift them out of their wrecked family lives that they are otherwise doomed to have. Alateen support starts with the ‘Papa (Baby) Scholarships starting with LKG, UKG, 1-3rd Standards. As JS is a student of Ontology, he believes this is the most important age for mental and emotional development. And education is the only pathway to escape the dread of the afflicted family.
All contributions of volunteer work are welcome. For this, please register online at this website.
Empowerment needs personal attention and mentoring. Even coaching. And not just in academics! An all round development of the child is the best way to give the child a whole new world of opportunity!
Giving of yoursef is the ultimate quest for a fullfilling and vibrant life. Enrich yours by sparing a little time and effort today.
Alateen Foundation sponsors poor children through various types of scholarships: School Fees, Books, Uniforms, Travel, Sports Kits, Technology in Class Rooms, etc.
YOU can help in many ways: With donation of time, skills and also time for administration.
Giving a donation of your time and skills to Alateen Foundation can help us both to reach more children transform their lives for the better. Join us for a better life and beautiful future for these poor children. Only then will our great Nation prosper. This is one way for you to contribute to nation building. One small step today …..
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